Re: ECONOMICS: Globalization and corporate power

From: Mike Lorrey (
Date: Thu Aug 23 2001 - 09:17:26 MDT

Harvey Newstrom wrote:
> Lee Corbin wrote,
> > Yes. I like to challenge liberals with this problem: suppose
> > that you were a multi-billionaire and wanted to use exactly
> > one of your billions of dollars to benefit the people of some
> > poor third-world country. How would you go about it?
> Simple. Divide it up and send up to $300 per person, or $600 per couple,
> but only if they paid taxes last year. (Oh, wait. That's not a liberal
> idea.)

Actually, Harvey, it was.... Bush just tacked it on to the tax cut to
get Democrat support, but it was originally a Democrat idea. Admittedly
they wanted everyone to get a rebate, but this was simply a stalking
horse to weakly try to trick Bush into giving money to people who had
not paid taxes (and thus by giving poor people a rebate on their social
security 'payroll taxes', the Democrats could claim he broke his promise
to 'not touch social security'.... Try again, Harvey.

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