Re: L is for Layoffs

From: Robert Coyote (
Date: Wed Aug 08 2001 - 21:53:01 MDT

Thx Adrian
We (familial binary star formation) put the bulk of our moneys into night
classes for various IT skills development.
I would take any olde job if it paid better than the unemployment I'm
drawing (getting BACK).

I like the "work" experience idea, I'm beta testing a PGP based chat product
now but it doesn't count as development.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Adrian Tymes" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 7:55 PM
Subject: Re: L is for Layoffs

> Robert Coyote wrote:
> > How can I be a Dynamic Optimist with all this information, as I'm quite
> > protractedly laid off myself.
> Don't give up. Find the optimal use of your time and pursue it. If
> you have savings, right now is a good time to take a brief vacation
> and pursue some cheap projects, or perhaps catch up on what tech skills
> are in demand. (Perhaps even have a friend "hire" you to do those
> skills, such that you can claim "work" experience and give your friend
> as a reference - preferably via personal email only, so friend doesn't
> have to answer at work. Of course, friend would not actually be paying
> you, and you should actually use the skills to the point where you can
> turn in a decent on-the-job performance.) If you don't have savings
> and need a job immediately, perhaps accept some low paying contracts
> (fit for complete amateurs, but which you can do too) to tide you over
> while you seek higher paying work.

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