RE: Fred Reed - The Dave Barry of Racists

From: Joe Dees (
Date: Sat Aug 04 2001 - 13:07:01 MDT

('binary' encoding is not supported, stored as-is) >Date: Sat, 04 Aug 2001 11:19:17 -0400
> Michael Wiik <> extropians <> RE: Fred Reed - The Dave Barry of RacistsReply-To:
>Miriam English <> wrote:
>> I am disappointed that a racist thread has turned up on the extropians
>> list.
>If it's possible in the U.S. to have an intelligent discussion about
>race, it might be here on the extropians list. I'm not saying it's
>possible, but it might be. Unfortunately, this would seem to require at
>least a few representatives of each race under discussion to be actually
>on the list.
>Date: Sat, 04 Aug 2001 10:31:17 -0400
> Michael Wiik <> extropians <> RE: Enoughness, was Re: Vicious RacismReply-To:
>"Harvey Newstrom" <> wrote:
>> If someone had attacked a particular list member by claiming
>> their race was inferior [...]
>Are there any black people on this list? Please speak up.
> -Mike
That is a good point. I have seen avowed women on this list. I have seen avowed gays on it. I do not recall ever seeing an avowed black person on it, and few avowed hispanics (avowed Jews and orientals are a bit more common). Now, the people claiming to possess these identities could be lying about it, and others could just not be announcing their gender, gender orientation, and/or ethnicity, but this list does seem to be a bit of a lilywhitebread thang.
(straight male, age 45, 3/4 an amalgam of english, irish, scottish and netherlands dutch, 1/4 native american, myself - as if it matters; info. furnished solely for possible list demographic purposes, if we decide to take a census)
>Michael Wiik
>Messagenet Communications Research
>Washington DC Area Internet and WWW Consultants

> -Mike
>Michael Wiik
>Messagenet Communications Research
>Washington DC Area Internet and WWW Consultants

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