>From: Carlos Gonzalia <gonzalia@cs.chalmers.se>
>It's becoming difficult to ascertain all the parties playing the
>current tug-of-war games. Argentine papers have published
>convincing reports that political elements within US Treasury want
>to make an example of Argentina, and will cut all support once
>debt default and financial collapse happen. If this is true, I
>can't imagine a better way to fire up anti-US and
>anti-globalization feelings in a population that already doesn't
>believe in anything much. All local political and economical
>actors are completely discredited in Argentina, and there is
>already hidden (and not so hidden) murmurs about "the need for an
>iron hand", that is a return to authoritarian government.
>So much for people using their heads to deal with the crisis,
I sympathize with your country's plight. I would be interested in
your views as to how it could be resolved.
I would like to recommend an excellent book I am reading "The Lexus
and The Olive Tree" by Thomas Friedman as a place to perhaps gain
a new perspective.
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