Harvey Newstrom wrote:
> Mike Lorrey wrote,
> > Just so, and good points Harvey. The number one reason why Extropy even
> > exists is because most people support to one degree or another the idea
> > that freedom means having the right to be as silly as you please.
> Just as religion has the "Problem with Evil", I believe scientists have the
> "Problem with Idiots". How can we make decisions or influence people who
> don't even understand what we are talking about? How can we choose the best
> course of action when most people are scared to try anything new? I would
> love to jump on the bandwagon to wipe out false religions and incorrect
> thinking. But we can't even agree in this forum on everything. There is no
> way that a nation-wide or world-wide consensus will ever come up with the
> options I want.
I find it a very distressing sign when would-be designers and
implementers of the future talk of wiping out opinions that they
or at least some of them believe should go away post-haste.
Where have we heard that before?
- samantha
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