RE: Wealth Distribution

From: Emlyn O'regan (
Date: Wed Jul 25 2001 - 18:06:07 MDT

Bear in mind also that income is used as an indicator of the resources
available to a person. As the real resources available increase, the means
for evading reporting this as income also become more diverse and effective.
That is, those who in some real sense have very high incomes, will usually
have an official income which is far lower. Gini coefficients may,
therefore, underestimate in many cases the true variance in the distribution
of resources.


> At 05:08 AM 7/25/01 +0200, Carlos wrote:
> >I think I can. According to our National Institute of Statistics
> >and Census 'Permanent Home Inquiry 99', in the Great Buenos Aires
> >zone (the richest part of the country, and home to about 30%
> >of the total population), the upper class experienced an income
> >increase of 5%, while the middle and lower classes experienced
> >an income reduction of 10% during that year. Gini coefficients
> >for income distribution has gone from 0.365 to 0.439 since 1980.
> >The poorest 20 percent of the population has seen their mass
> >income reduce from 4.6% ot total to 3.9% of total since 1989.
> Here are some data for Australia:
> 1982-97 Ginis `suggest sharp increases' in inequality. Top
> decile of income
> rose from 38.7% to 49.1%.
> How about improvements? Lowest three deciles also increased
> share, middle
> deciles declined.
> BUT real income went up for all deciles (p. 6). The lowest two deciles
> improved more than the rest in real income percentage terms.
> (The details
> are of course somewhat more complicated.)
> Damien Broderick

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