Re: Prolongevity supplement considered harmful

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Sat Jul 07 2001 - 13:50:10 MDT

"Eliezer S. Yudkowsky" wrote:
> "BOSTON (Reuters) - Researchers treated a 42-year-old man who overdosed on
> vitamin D because he took an over-the-counter vitamin supplement
> containing as much as 430 times the amount of vitamin D listed by the
> manufacturer."
> "The man had been taking vitamin D-3 supplements manufactured by
> Prolongevity of Markham, Ontario. Tests of three different lots showed
> that the vitamin D-3 levels in each gram of the product were 26 to 430
> times the amount Prolongevity listed on its labels."

Such problems make a good case for a private underwriter of the
contents of some of these supplements. It could be for profit
as it gives potential value to manufacturers primarily. It
could also in its beginning of continuously accept samples to be
tested for free to build its rep and as a service.

- samantha

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