Spudboy100@aol.com wrote:
> <Zero cleary states:
> <I tend to doubt the inexplicable recorder theory. I <think to the extent any
> <past matter/data state is ever recoverable it'll be <because the computer doing the recover will be <provided a sufficient amount of detail concerning then-<present states and will be powerful enough to <extrapolate backwards. I think this does not bo
de <well for being able to recover the private mental life <of dead individuals, but an objectively reasonable <facsimile sufficient to fool a third party observer <may be possible.
> <-Zero
> <Life is good. Refuse to die.
> If reverse determinism, through photon capture or Amara's planetary and astrophyisical dust hypothesis, is even trivally, true, there seems to be enough data to reformulate the past, right down to the thoughts of its inhabitants, including lower animal
life. This is not your daddy's Singulairty! ;-)
Assuming that we aren't just a simulation on a quantum computer, in
which case every bit of history will be recoverable.
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