Is soy getting black-balled because it's a threat to the dairy industry?
Who is paying for the soy research data?
Don't those milk mustache ads make you wonder: "What problem needs
addressing with that kind of $$$$$ damage control?" Is the 'mad cow'
(scrapies) virus present in milk?" Pasteurization does not destroy it.
(Yes, pasteurization temperatures were increased.)
Convincing me that soy and tofu are less attractive food choices than dairy
will be a very hard sell - impossible really. I don't willingly consume
xenoestrogens or BGH.
Marketing campaigns based on scarey 'bs' data severely underestimate
consumer intelligence. Bs may work but insult will be taken to absolute
Cerebral atrophy is related to compromised cerebral circulation, as in TIA.
PS: I didn't look at your websites - but I was already aware of the soy scare.
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