Re: Guns [was Re: property Rights]

Lee Daniel Crocker (
Sat, 29 May 1999 15:15:55 -0700 (PDT)

> > I don't recall seeing any such post, and I'd honestly like to see
> > it if one exists. I did see the two URLs from HCI; they present some
> > arguments (some valid, some not) for why Lott's study might be flawed,
> > but I have yet to see any actual study that supports the opposite
> > conclusion, and I assume that if such a study existed, HCI would be
> > happy to refer to it. The only statistics quoted on HCI are far
> > less rigorous and complete than Lott's.
> Just as I said.

At least I've actually /read/ the arguments on both sides, and honestly evaluated them. I have also on more than one occasion changed my mind on significant issues of politics and morality. I suggest you honestly asses whether or not you can say the same things, and whether or not you have any actual evidence that I cannot, or are just assuming that I'm lying because of your political prejudice.

Lee Daniel Crocker <> <>
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