Re: Temporary leave of absence...

From: Michael S. Lorrey (
Date: Mon Jun 26 2000 - 14:01:44 MDT

Doug Jones wrote:
> "Michael S. Lorrey" wrote:
> >
> > Just to let everyone know that, if all goes as planned, I will be on a vacation
> > from wednesday through the end of next week. This will probably shock some
> > people, but I'm going to the Rainbow Gathering with a few friends in Montana...
> > no kidding.
> >
> > Mike Lorrey
> Mike, somehow that just *doesn't* seem to be your gig. I'm just sitting
> here chuckling... Mike explaining liberatarian thought, extropianism,
> and of course the importance of the second amendment, to a bunch of
> blissed-out hippies.
> *Now* I can believe six impossible things before breakfast.

Aw, its not so unbelievable, I mean, I did tour with Phish back in 1993 as their
caterer for the northwest leg of their tour, and I've been to my share of Dead
shows and hempfests...

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