Everitt Mickey wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael S. Lorrey <retroman@turbont.net>
> To: extropians@extropy.com <extropians@extropy.com>
> Date: Thursday, June 01, 2000 2:24 PM
> Subject: Theological clarification, was:Re: Mother Teresa
> >Saw this on another list, thought y'all'd get a kick out of it. Hopefully
> >everyone here knows who Dr. Laura Schlesinger is, and that she's come under
> hot
> >water for publicly stating that homosexuality is deviant behavior:
> >
> >> Dear Dr. Laura,
> <snip some reallygood stuff>
> i love it.....
> Any clue as to how the good doktor responded? Come to that....how would ANY
> fundamentalist or even any professed christian or jew respond?
No idea, and I don't even know if it was actually sent to her (though I
imagine at least a few people have emailed it to her to make sure she
got it). I'm sure fundamentalists are sure to start making noises about
the 'context of the time and place, etc' over this, if they dare say
anything. I always get a kick when book thumpers start yapping about
sexual content in the media when all one has to do is read passages from
the Song of Solomon to get stuff not much different from letters to
Madame Xaviera or your average phone sex script (or your average romance
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