Re: Tiny toffee size camera

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Sun May 28 2000 - 14:22:54 MDT

zeb haradon wrote:

> >isnt at all clear to me how one would defend against it without
> >spending buttloads of money, an option closed to the poor. spike
> There is a device on sale which responds to a camera flash by generating a
> great flash of light. People wear them when they are going someplace where
> they expect to be followed by paparazi..... How
> hard would it be to set up a system detecting any frequency emenating from
> the house, then flooding the area with noise of the came frequency?

Probably easy for those of us who have a few extra bucks to spare.
Now I know this is *me* talking here, one who is not exactly known
for compassion for the less fortunate and less advanced technologically.
But what of those who really dont have any extra to defeat wasp cams?
Their privacy is, or soon will be *gone* and I have no suggestions for
how to proceed. spike

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