Re: Tiny toffee size camera

Date: Sun May 28 2000 - 19:08:23 MDT

In a message dated 28/05/00 17:40:54 GMT Standard Time,

> We joke around about this a lot, but consider some of Mikes
> objections. If we develop really cool wasp cams, etc, it really
> will be only a matter of time before they come into our bedrooms
> thru the AC vents, etc. All privacy *really will* be lost, and it
> isnt at all clear to me how one would defend against it without
> spending buttloads of money, an option closed to the poor. spike

    Not at all so. I have already invented a cheap and effective anti-waspcam
    It consists of a flate mesh-like plate attached to a stick. when swiped
at the offending waspcam, on impact it will render the device inoprative.
At only 10 buck a piece this anti survailence technology is well within the
reach of the poor folk. :o)


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