On Tue, May 23, 2000 at 09:56:43AM -0400, Michael S. Lorrey wrote:
> Martin Ling wrote:
> > On Tue, May 23, 2000 at 08:16:42AM -0400, Michael S. Lorrey wrote:
> > > > Formally, I have the right to a good education, but in a tax-free,
> > > > service-free system, I may not have the effective freedom to have it.
> > > > But by removing some of one of my freedoms (the right to choose how I
> > > > spend my money), one of my other rights is protected.
> > >
> > > You have the right to educate yourself, or to buy an education. You
> > > could volunteer to participate in the public school system, but forcing
> > > others who choose to send their kids to private school to also pay taxes
> > > to support you sending your kids to school is criminal.
> >
> > Erm, no. You may happen to think it's *wrong*, but it's not criminal. In
> > fact, it's currently criminal for them *not* to.
> > Please get your terms right.
> There is nothing in the Constitution, federal or state (at least for NH)
> that says anyone is entitled to an education. That the SCOTUS' opinion
> of congressional legislation is that they are limited to those areas
> enumerated by some, I do beleive we should live by the limitations of
> the Constitution.
Excuse me, but where along the line did I give you reason to involve the
US Constitution in this? As you are well aware, I live in the UK. And if
you read back, you will notice that I was discussing *my* rights. Since
when you responded you stated "You have the right...", etc. I assumed you
were still discussing mine, for lack of any indication you were not.
Perhaps we can resolve this before continuing.
And my right to an education is secured by human rights treaties,
including ones specific to the European Union.
-- +--------------------------------------------------------+ | Martin J. Ling Tel: +44 (0)20 8863 2948 | | martin@nodezero.org.uk Fax: +44 (0)20 8248 4025 | | http://www.nodezero.org.uk Mobile: +44 (0)7940 482675 | +--------------------------------------------------------+
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