Re: Open-source software finds a natural home

From: Everitt Mickey (
Date: Tue May 16 2000 - 00:30:07 MDT

-----Original Message-----
From: phil osborn <>
>The design philosophy in America evolved in the late 19th or early 20th
>century to the engineering maxim that "we can build anything for a dollar a
>pound." It is worthwhile to compare the Amiga OS, which originated in
>Britain as TRIPOS, a real-time industrial control mini-computer OS, or
>LINUX, or Gasse's BeOS, with the American products - MS/DOS, Windows,
> With design and forethought, the Amiga OS could easilly run rings around
>Windows or the Mac at the same clock speed, yet it was much easier to use,
>more stable, and a tiny fraction of the size. (Imagine being able to
>not one, but several floppies, simultaneously, while running five or six
>applications and communicating online with no noticeable slowdown, and
>able to switch tasks in 1/60th of a second, reliably. The Amiga was doing
>that in 1990.)
>Then look at the absolutely unbelievable bugs and stupidity of Windows,
>can't even recall from one instant to the next what kind of view you want -
>icons, list, details, big icons. It's a random draw - except when Windows
>willy-nilly decides to default to some view permanently - which happens.
>And the errors were carried forward from Win'95 to '98! If someone had
>me that such an atrocity was going to be the dominant OS of the year 2000
>1980, I would have thought they were insane.

I've mentioned this before but I had an Amiga once....two of them
actually...the original and then the Amiga2000. Some years passed and THEN
i was introduced to MicroSloth....I was shocked!! Shocked I say!!
Disgustingly primitive and hard to use by comparison
How come this happened? How did the bad overcome the good?

Were not talking politics here (are we?) but engineering and software


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