Eliezer wrote:
If we took this opportunity to reevaluate, as a society, the moral pros and
cons of invading China, that'd be one thing. As it is, the whole debate
stems from the simple fact that no elected politician in this day and age
has the moral courage to stand up and say: "The little child, Elian
Gonzalez, must be sacrificed on the alter of international law. If we, as a
society, want to reconsider our decision to put peace above innocent
children, then we can do so afterwards."
Actually, it has been the political cartoonists that have had the courage to
at least state how the Cuban-american community has been manipulating things
but politicians don't want to stand up to them.
Much of our foreign aid to help lessen starvation is actually more of a way
to gain power over third world nations and this has already been discussed
in great detail on the list. The goal is generally not to topple a local
dictator who abuses his people but to get him to follow American political
and corporate interests and not be an interferance to us.
I do think the U.S. tends to do what it wants in regards or inspite of
international law. We cajole our U.N. allies to go along with things as we
see it. In Somalia we 'invaded' and look where that got us! Sometimes
those nations with starving children are filled with less then friendly
adults who would rob and kill whenever given the chance.
Our politicians and a weak-minded general took out American armor
prematurely as the pull-out happened 'incrementally' and that left a ranger
team at the mercy of local gunmen. Luckily some of our U.N. allies were
able to (late in the game) show up to help. Of course trouble really began
to start when we started hunting for a local warlord but then doesn't that
go along with the 'invade poor starving nations for their own good to make
sure the kids get fed' strategy? lol!
Eliezer, as you pointed out in an earlier post, there are many ways we could
go about influencing these nations without direct conflict to achieve the
goal of really eliminating mass hunger. But maintaining the status quo
seems to be the priority for now.
Despite all the cynicism I very much respect the foreign and American
doctors, nurses and workers in general who risk their lives and health to
serve in third world nations. So many human lives are saved or enriched
because of them. Some of the organizations they work for may not make sure
that a large enough percentage of each dollar donated makes it to the field,
but still, for those on the frontlines helping others I bow my head.
John Grigg
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