An Extropian Amulet

From: Brian D Williams (
Date: Mon Apr 03 2000 - 09:41:36 MDT

Sean Kenny's post got me thinking and I wanted to share something
with you all.

Last Nov I was just finishing up a serious weight lifting session
when I started feeling really lousy. I had been diagnosed with GERD
three months prior which led to the very extropian decision to give
up alcohol period.

Anyway I was experiencing classic head-to-the-ER symptoms which I
tried to ignore because I figured it was the GERD acting up. The
next morning I still felt lousy, cursed myself for being stupid,
and headed to the ER. I got to spend the next 24 hours as a guest,
went through standard cardiac enzyme series tests and a treadmill
stress-test. (all negative) An endoscope exam a few weeks ago
revealed a bad case of antral gastritis, getting better every day.

My point? Even exercising regularly. eating right, and a state of
the art vitamin/antioxident protocol is no guarantee. I hadn't been
to the doctor in years. Now it's going to be an annual event.

GERD has symptoms that will completely convince you that you are
having a heart attack. Ever since I've been carrying what I call my
"extropian amulet". Its a small stainless steel cylinder designed
for heart patients to carry a nitro tab around in, mine contains a
couple of baby aspirin, just in case. It is attached to my keyring,
is tiny, and unobtrusive.

Not a bad idea at all, and unlike most amulets this one has real
protective powers.....


Extropy Institute,
Adler Planetarium
Life Extension Foundation,
National Rifle Association,, 1.800.672.3888
Mars Society,
Ameritech Data Center Chicago, IL, Local 134 I.B.E.W

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