> I don't think that socialism/Libertarianism has anything to do with lack
> of personal integrity. It is possible to be a socialist and still have
> plenty of personal integrity; it's just stupid, because socialism has
> been demonstrated not to work. Personal integrity is defined by your
> unswerving adherence to high ideals for deeply altruistic reasons, not
> the intelligence or stupidity manifest in choosing those ideals.
I'm not so sure the two are separable. I have no beef with those who /desire/ things like egalitarianism, altruism, and other such silly things; but to actually advocate the use of force to bring them about does indeed reflect upon one's personal values. If one advocates mandating irrational social policies, then one's commitment to reason in other matters is called into question.
-- Lee Daniel Crocker <lee@piclab.com> <http://www.piclab.com/lcrocker.html> "All inventions or works of authorship original to me, herein and past, are placed irrevocably in the public domain, and may be used or modified for any purpose, without permission, attribution, or notification."--LDC