Re: extro wise day

From: Spike Jones (
Date: Sat Mar 11 2000 - 23:27:04 MST

> Robert J. Bradbury...There are something like 300+ people on this list and I
> seldom see
> more than a handful stepping into the muck and coming out to
> allow the caked on mud to dry in the sun.
> ..."You must begin by being there."..

Wow this was a way cool post Robert, thanks! {8-]
You have put me into idea-hampster mode.

The article in Business Week went on and on about internet
privacy and how companies can set cookies, snoop on ones
internet habits, etc. without their knowledge and perhaps even
without their consent. The article then went on to propose
several solutions, but they seemed too lawey for my tastes: pass
a law to do this, pass a law to do that.

NO LAWS! Ive a better idea. Some of you programmer gurus
could likely write us a java script that would go log onto the
internet at say 0400 (after sending out several hundred fake
emails) and go to some random website, collecting cookies, then
go on to some random link on that site, collect cookies, and
so on. One would collect jillions of cookies that would not
only tell the snoopy marketers nothing, it would corrupt their
existing databases. If you, kind guru, wrote such a script and
gave it away to the proletariate, privacy would be created
spontaneously by burying everyone's true actions under a
morass of false clickstreams.

How about it programmers? Can it be done? spike

{Hey this is pretty good stuff, coming from the original
info-nudist, eh? {8^D }

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