Extropy Institute announces the opening of the Transhumanist Times:
Extropic News and Views. You can find the new publication at:
The Transhumanist Times aims to serve as a news service for transhumanists.
We will gather news on all topics of transhumanist interest, filtering out
the few important gems from the vast piles of news nuggets every day. Some
items will consist simply of headlines, a couple of lines of description,
and a hyperlink to another site. Other items will include interpretation
and commentary by one of the TT's Correspondents or by ad hoc contributors.
The Times will also carry feature pieces, mainly geared towards analysis of
current events or debates on current issues.
The Transhumanist Times is for all of us, and everyone can contribute to
it. While we have a few initial Correspondents who will look for news in
their area of interest, every transhumanist should feel free to send in
items for publication. We will start off modestly, but hope that--with your
participation--this news and information service can become a vital and
frequently updated site.
After checking the site, it all seems to be working fine, but I've been
told that if you're using Netscape Navigator rather than Internet Explorer,
the pages may be too wide. I'm not sure why this happens, and would
appreciate any help with this.
I would like to thank the initial contributors. Above all, my thanks to
Natasha Vita-More. Natasha was the catalyst that took my dormant idea
(originally a grander but less realistic project) and spurred it into
action. We worked together closely to create the site, with Natasha of
course being the Design Director as well as Associate Editor.
Right after posting this message, I will be leaving for a day and a half in
Texas, so will not be able to reply until late Wednesday morning.
Please visit www.transhumanisttimes.com and look around, give us some
feedback, and please consider contributing material.
Max More, Ph.D.
President, Extropy Institute. www.extropy.org
CEO, MoreLogic Consulting. www.maxmore.com
max@maxmore.com or more@extropy.org
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