Extropy Institute "EXPONENT" Newsletter

From: Extropy Institute (natasha@natasha.cc)
Date: Mon Sep 15 2003 - 23:06:23 MDT

  • Next message: Emlyn O'regan: "RE: META: ExI Launches New Email List - "Extropy-Chat""

    Extropy Institute Newsletter
    ExI - Changing the Game (September 16, 2003)

    Dear Natasha,

    Extropy Institute has grown from a groundbreaking
    futurist organization to a worldwide incubator for
    solutions. Having spent the last 15 years developing
    a grid for transhumanity, ExI is now going in a new
    direction. In doing so, we've taken the "ism" out of
    extropy and
    heading toward the many cultural, economic and
    technological riddles that wait to be solved and the
    questions that need to be answered. ExI's
    design of thinking systems and solutions for the future
    will unfold over the next year as we approach business
    structures and
    educational systems, probe each others brains and
    nourish the very environment from which we thrive.
    Right now it's time to
    move on to new gardens. Hey, it's an uphill trek - we're
    packing a new website,
    new mission, and new principles, for a new direction.
    Come along - the sky is still blue, Mars is in the
    southwest just before dawn, and tonight Sirius will
    shine brightly in reflection of our deepest

    elected David McFadzean to the board. David has
    contributed enormous Internet savvy and strategic
    business development to ExI and we decided that his
    talents are indispensable for our future.

    In this Issue:
    * NEW! "Extropy-Chat" Email List
    * ExI Launches New Website!
    * Principles of Extropy, Version 3.1 (by Max More, Chairman)

    Human beings achieved "civilization" thousands of years
    ago. Yet we have not shaken off the ancient tyrannies
    that haunt the human condition. We suffer physical and
    emotional sicknesses ending in decrepitude and death.
    The primitive parts of our brain spur us to envy, to
    hate, to despair, and to kill. Our philosophies and our
    religions attempt to express our highest values, yet we
    use them to oppress and control. We use them to crush
    the world's complexity into a simplicity that we can
    clutch like a security blanket for the human condition.

    Human ingenuity has created astonishing institutions
    and technologies to remedy these problems. Yet our
    intellectual and emotional limitations often spawn new
    problems from our attempted solutions, while our
    primitive drives find ways to abuse them. The ever-
    accelerating pace of change breeds anxiety even as it
    glimmers with hope. Powerful technologies ever more
    rapidly shake up entire cultures and economies as well
    as each individual life. As we continue to experiment
    with technology using legacy brains and antiquated
    strategies, uncertainty and anxiety continue to plague

    Extropy Institute New Website >> http://www.extropy.org/index.htm

    Extropy Institute sees enormous potential in advanced
    decision making and strategic thinking, coupled with
    emerging sciences and technologies, to quicken
    humanity's resolution of these fundamental problems.
    We aim to gradually but firmly change the rules of the
    game called "being human".

    In pursuit of our mission, Extropy Institute assembles
    individuals from diverse domains of expertise. We gather
    these ambitious, daring minds to combine creative and
    executive approaches to expose the fundamental roots
    of our problems. We see this advanced, multi-faceted
    solution-seeking as the best way to create a radically
    better future.

    We need not remain slaves to our cultural and
    evolutionary history. For centuries, cultures around the
    world saw human slavery as part of the natural order,
    until they were shown irrefutably otherwise. Likewise
    today, many of us passively accept or stridently defend
    the inevitability of human stupidity, malice, conflict,
    aging, and death. We invite you to participate in our
    mission to connect and cultivate the ingenious and
    intrepid shapers of the future.

    Extropy Institute New Mission >> http://www.extropy.org

    NEW! "Extropy-Chat" Email List
    Welcome to the "Extropy-Chat" List. ExI's new email
    list is launched today.

    ExI's email list is the longest running transhumanist
    email list in the world. Now entering its second decade,
    the Extropy-Chat (formerly "Extropians") email list is
    open to ExI members and non-members alike. It is a
    general-purpose discussion forum. The List covers all
    manner of topics over time, and you can search back
    several years through the archives on the Web to find
    previous posts on topics that interest you. We also
    provide a daily digest version for those who prefer
    receiving fewer emails.

    Over the years, this List hosted innovative discussions
    on the Internet continuously since 1991. We welcome
    innovative discussions pertaining to scientific,
    technological, philosophical, artistic, economic, and
    social perspectives on the future.

    Please be aware that the content of the Extropy-Chat
    List does not automatically reflect Extropy Institute or
    the philosophy of extropy itself. As with most mailing
    lists, it reflects opinions on various subjects and the
    posts therein should not be viewed as official
    endorsements of Extropy Institute or vice versa.

    Please carefully read the List Agreement below,
    followed by more information about the Extropy-Chat


    ExI's New "Extropy Chat" email list >> http://www.extropy.org/emaillists.htm

    ExI Launches New Website!
    Along with a new mission, new email list, revised
    principles, and new business strategy, ExI launches
    its new website. ExI will have a more comprehensive
    resources page,
    media and PR page, and a page specifically for "The
    Futurists QUIZ." Along with the QUIZ, we are also
    launching a new email list, "ExI-Solutions", by invitation

    While the new website reflects the new direction of
    ExI, some of its pages are still being designed as I write
    this. If you have talents in the area of web design or
    media, please let us know. In return for your talents,
    we will provide a free membership to ExI.


    (1) Transvision 2004 elects George Dvorsky, President
    of the Toronto Transhumanist Association and Deputy
    Editor and a columnist for "Betterhumans" as the Chair
    of its next conference, which will be held in Toronto,
    Canado. We look forward to a featured profile on
    George next month. (2) Gina Miller and Leigh Christian
    are elected to ExI's Executive Advisory Team (EAT);
    and more.

    ExI's New Website! >> http://www.extropy.org

    Principles of Extropy, Version 3.1 (by Max More, Chairman)
    An evolving framework of values and standards
    for continuously improving the human condition

    Prologue: What is the Purpose of the Principles of

    Philosophies of life rooted in centuries-old traditions
    contain much wisdom concerning personal,
    organizational, and social living. Many of us also find
    shortcomings in those traditions. How could they not
    reach some mistaken conclusions when they arose in
    pre-scientific times? At the same time, ancient
    philosophies of life have little or nothing to say about
    fundamental issues confronting us as advanced
    technologies begin to enable us to change our identity
    as individuals and as humans and as economic, cultural,
    and political forces change global relationships.

    The Principles of Extropy first took shape in the late
    1980s to outline an alternative lens through which to
    view the emerging and unprecedented opportunities,
    challenges, and dangers. The goal was and is to use
    current scientific understanding along with critical and
    creative thinking to define a small set of principles or
    values that could help make sense of the confusing but
    potentially liberating and existentially enriching
    capabilities opening up to humanity.

    The Principles of Extropy do not specify particular
    beliefs, technologies, or policies. The Principles do not
    pretend to be a complete philosophy of life. The world
    does not need another totalistic dogma. The Principles
    of Extropy do consist of a handful of principles (or
    values or perspectives) that codify proactive, life-
    affirming and life-promoting ideals. Individuals who
    cannot comfortably adopt traditional value systems
    often find the Principles of Extropy useful as postulates
    to guide, inspire, and generate innovative thinking
    about existing and emerging fundamental personal,
    organizational, and social issues.

    The Principles are intended to be enduring, underlying
    ideals and standards. At the same time, both in content
    and by being revised, the Principles do not claim to be
    eternal truths or certain truths. I invite other
    independent thinkers who share the agenda of acting
    as change agents for fostering better futures to
    consider the Principles of Extropy as an evolving
    framework of attitudes, values, and standards and as
    a shared vocabulary to make sense of our
    unconventional, secular, and life-promoting responses
    to the changing human condition. I also invite feedback
    to further refine these Principles.

    More on Principles of Extropy >> http://www.extropy.org/principles.htm

    Quick Links...
    Join Now! >> http://www.extropy.org/membership.htm
    Directors, Council of Advisors, and Executive Advisory Team >> http://www.extropy.org/directors.htm
    Best Business News Source on the Web! >> http://www.manyworlds.com
    International Association of Biomedical Gerontology - Aubrey de Grey - >> http://www.gen.cam.ac.uk/iabg10/

    More About Us >> http://www.extropy.org
    email: natasha@natasha.cc
    voice: 512 263-2749
    web: http://www.extropy.org

    This email was sent to natasha@natasha.cc,
    by Extropy Institute.

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