Re: How do you calm down the hot-heads?

From: Randall Randall (
Date: Fri Sep 12 2003 - 14:30:21 MDT

  • Next message: Robbie Lindauer: "Re: cancer rates (was: e: How do you calm down the hot-heads?)"

    On Friday, September 12, 2003, at 01:55 PM, Robbie Lindauer wrote:
    > Rupert Murdoch gives you $1,000,000,000 dollars to form a corporation.
    > He takes no ownership of the corporation, but rather a cut of the
    > profits.
    > Let's say that corporation exists for the sole purpose of extracting
    > precious metals from third-world countries by force.
    > Rupert's still INNOCENT of this as he deposits the first $1,000,000
    > return in the first month?

    Sure! Seriously.

    To clarify, I think it's a bad idea to pay someone else to
    steal something, but it *is* the other person who stole it,
    and who owes it back. People are responsible for their own
    actions. They are not responsible for anyone else's, except
    by contract.

    IMHO, of course; not as a practical matter in the world in
    which we live.

    Randall Randall <>
    "When you advocate any government action, you must first
    believe that violence is the best answer to the question
    at hand." -- Allen Thornton

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