Re: Cheerful libertarianism

From: alexboko (
Date: Tue Sep 09 2003 - 16:31:17 MDT

  • Next message: Adrian Tymes: "Antimatter from the sun"

    Anders Sandberg wrote:

    > solutions, alternative strategies and plenty of surprises. Hence there
    > is no reason to strive for monoculture but rather diverse cultures with
    > certain biases. And I fully accept that the situation is symmetric with
    > other people: there is room for overlaying our memetic radiations.

    The 'certain biases' probably being something like rationality and
    non-coercion, am I right?

    But you know, I don't even mind individuals that don't share these
    biases in our memepool... as long as they're a fringe rather than the
    dominant force. In practical terms, if I could push a button that would
    memetically-engineer all the religious fundamentalists, Nazis,
    eco-luddites, and Communists into good little Extropians, I wouldn't do
    it. 90% of them into Extropians? Then yes, I'd be tempted to push the
    button, that's true. But I do not wish outright memetic extinction on
    anybody, even those who are literally my worst memetic adversaries.

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