Re: just getting started

From: Alex Ramonsky (
Date: Sun Sep 07 2003 - 17:24:41 MDT

  • Next message: Gina Miller: "The Nanogirl News~"

    Robert J. Bradbury wrote:

    >I didn't say it was CR -- and I don't think the original request
    >said that CR was the goal. There are two different questions.
    >The first is what is an optimal diet for a "normal" lifespan? In that
    >case I go with the CDC believing that obesity is a major chunk
    >of the problem. If one can offset low blood sugar levels with
    >a drink with some sweetness, then one might be able to avoid food
    >cravings that may contribute to obesity.
    Right; I see where you're coming from. I'm pretty convinced though that
    _anything_ that causes a glucose 'spike' is bad news, to be honest. The
    'stay low GI and forget about the calories' method has worked really
    well for me.

    > I will grant this may
    >also drive up protein glycosylation but Alteon may have a solution
    >for protein glycosylation. The second question is what to do if
    >one wants to "push-the-envelope", for example by using CR.
    >The reason I said "lots of ice" is that over time (as the ice melts)
    >the lemonade becomes more water than ice -- but retains some of the
    >lemonade flavor. (Perhaps I'm a little over the edge -- but we are
    >just finishing up a rather hot summer by Seattle standards.)
    Yeh, London has been like a kiln.

    > I'm
    >aware of the aspartame problem -- but only to a limited extent (you
    >should feel free to provide links)
    Actually I meant to ask about this...I though the FDA had banned
    aspartame in the USA due to finding problems with brain damage in kids?
    Most britons I talk to seem to believe this. Is it not true? Several
    'anti-additive' campaigners are using this as fuel for their argument,
    including 'Earthwatch'.

    > -- my philosophy tends to be
    >"everything in moderation" to deal with that problem.
    I have always tried to take my excesses in moderation : )

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