Re: Who'd submit to the benevolent dictatorship of GAI anyway?

From: Jef Allbright (
Date: Thu Sep 04 2003 - 07:47:38 MDT

  • Next message: Randy S: "Re: Is theft becoming impossible?"

    Brett Paatsch said:

    > Could be the only way a hyper intelligent AI can kick start
    > a rapid take off singularity is against the wishes of a majority
    > of voters. i.e. by brute military and or economic force and
    > through human proxies. That was my thought anyway.
    > Do others see a problem with this reasoning or conclusion?

    It wouldn't be a matter of submitting to a dictatorship. It would be a
    matter of choosing to go along with overwhelmingly successful forces
    affecting your world, or suffering the natural consequences of resisting or
    being left behind.

    - Jef

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