Re: white leds

From: Christian Weisgerber (
Date: Mon Sep 01 2003 - 13:51:02 MDT

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    Spike <> wrote:

    > Nowthen, it seems a logical extention that white
    > LED lighting should replace all incandescent and
    > flourescent lighting for home use.

    By the way, have those "energy saver bulb" fluorescents in traditional
    bulb format and using the same sockets ever caught on in the US or
    are you guys still using actual incandescents?

    > A good amount of light could be made using only 5 to 10 watts
    > instead of the customary 40-60. The fixtures would be small,
    > long lived and utterly unable to cause a fire.

    More likely we are going to see LED "bulbs" in the traditional
    format. People will happily exchange bulbs, but they will not
    replace fixtures throughout their homes.

    > Anyone here up to speed on white LEDs for home
    > lighting use? URL?

    The topic keeps popping up on Slashdot, but so far the technology
    doesn't seem to be quite there. LEDs are making some inroads into
    the market in specialist niches and business applications.

    Christian "naddy" Weisgerber                

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