seeing black holes

From: Damien Broderick (
Date: Wed Aug 27 2003 - 20:14:26 MDT

  • Next message: Damien Broderick: "Mars defect"

    This is also an interesting Science Show piece on the big galactic hole.

    I was struck by one question (astro experts might care to comment):

    >Well, this matter falls in and becomes very heated, starts to
    > glow and we’re fortunate because the black hole at the
    > galactic centre seems to be absorbing this matter but at a
    > very low rate. The gas is there, it’s glowing but we can see
    > all the way through and what that means is that this object in
    > the middle casts a shadow, it absorbs all the light incident on
    > it and it also bends light from behind it away from our line of
    > sight, so light that would normally reach our eye from the
    > gas behind it gets deflected, and as a result of these two
    > effects, the fact that it absorbs the light and the fact that it
    > bends the light, means that right in the middle there’s a
    > significant shadow. And that shadow as it turns out, is big
    > enough that we should be able to see it within the next few
    > years.

    But hang on... yeah, it bends light behind it *away* from us, but equally
    it should bend some of the light coming at it sideways *toward* us, no?
    more or less exactly compensating for what we'd see were it not there?

    Damien Broderick

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