FWD (TLCB) U.S. Crime Rate Down

From: Terry W. Colvin (fortean1@mindspring.com)
Date: Mon Aug 25 2003 - 09:38:18 MDT

  • Next message: John Grigg: "Needing help to find magazine distributors"

    Wonder how much of this reduction in the crime rate is attributable to the
    large increase in legal private gun ownership in the U.S., particularly
    legally carried guns.


    < http://www.cnn.com/2003/US/08/24/crime.rate.ap/index.html >

    Report: Crime rate lowest since 1973
    Sunday, August 24, 2003 Posted: 11:53 AM EDT (1553 GMT)

    WASHINGTON (AP) -- Violent and property crimes dipped in 2002 to their
    lowest levels since records started being compiled 30 years ago, and have
    dropped more than 50 percent in the last decade, the Justice Department
    reported Sunday.
    The annual survey by the Bureau of Justice Statistics identified about 23
    million crime victims last year, down slightly from the year before and far
    below the 44 million recorded when studies began in 1973.
    The rate of violent crimes -- rapes, robberies and assaults -- was about 23
    victims for every 1,000 U.S. residents 12 or older last year. That compares
    with 25 victims per 1,000 in 2001 and 50 in 1993.
    For property crimes such as burglary and car theft, the rate was 159 crimes
    per 1,000 last year, down from 167 the previous year and 319 in 1993.
    The study examined property and violent crimes except murder, which is
    measured separately by the FBI. Preliminary FBI statistics for 2002
    released in June -- based on reports from police across the country --
    reported a 0.8 percentage point rise in the murder rate compared with 2001.
    The Justice Department survey, however, found continuing decreases in every
    major property and violent crime, crossing all household income, racial and
    ethnic lines. Crime is down in cities, suburbs and rural areas.
    Attorney General John Ashcroft credited citizens for being more willing to
    report crimes and said the numbers are a tribute to the work of police,
    prosecutors and judges across the country.
    "But lower crime rates must not lead to complacency," Ashcroft said. "We
    must continue our vigilance and renew our firm commitment to protect all
    Americans, bringing swift and certain justice to all those who would
    inflict pain and harm."
    Experts say a number of factors have driven the crime rate down, including
    a more mature, less violent illegal drug trade, a drop in gang membership
    and even improved home locks and alarms that deter would-be burglars.
    Even so, the continuing drop in crime surprises some.
    "Everyone thought the numbers would bottom out and then go back up, but it
    hasn't happened," said James Lynch, law professor at the American
    University Center for Justice, Law and Society.
    Some criminologists think tougher prison sentences and more prisons are key
    factors, because they take more criminals off the streets longer. The
    Justice Department reported last week that at the end of 2001, more than
    5.6 million adults -- one in every 37 U.S. adults -- were either in state
    or federal prison or had done prison time during their lives.
    Others say that theory is refuted by the government's own data. The Justice
    Policy Institute, a research group that favors alternatives to prison,
    pointed out that regions with higher prison expansion rates, such as the
    South and West, experienced more murders in 2002.
    "We need to separate political rhetoric from sound crime and corrections
    policy," said Vincent Schiraldi, executive director of the institute.
    The Justice Department figures on nonfatal crimes for 2002 are based on
    interviews of a nationally representative sample of 76,050 U.S. residents
    12 or above. The previously released FBI Uniform Crime Reports, which also
    showed an overall drop in crime in 2002, is based on crimes reported to
    state and local police nationwide.
    Some highlights from the new Justice Department report:
    -- From 2001 to 2002, the number of robberies fell by a remarkable 19
    percent, from 630,690 to 512,490, and is down 63 percent from 1993 to 2002.
    -- Households with an annual income of $50,000 or more saw larger drops in
    property crimes than those with lower incomes from 1993 to 2002. Property
    crimes have dropped 52 percent over that span in rural and suburban areas
    and 48 percent in cities.
    -- Households with annual incomes of $7,500 or less were far more likely to
    be involved in both violent and property crimes in 2002. For instance,
    there were about 52 burglaries per 1,000 households at that income level,
    compared with 32 per 1,000 for those earning between $7,500 and $14,999.
    -- Men are more likely to be crime victims than women, blacks more likely
    than whites or Hispanics and people below age 24 more than those who are
    -- Urban residents were victims of violent crime more often in 2002, at 33
    crimes for every 1,000 residents. That compares with 20 crimes per 1,000
    residents in the suburbs and 17 crimes per 1,000 people in rural areas.
    -- Women and girls were most often victimized in 2002 by someone they knew,
    while men and boys had a greater chance of being victimized by a stranger.
    Of the female victims, 40 percent of offenders were described friends or
    acquaintances, 20 percent as intimate partners and seven percent as another

    “Only a zit on the wart on the heinie of progress.” Copyright 1992, Frank Rice
    Terry W. Colvin, Sierra Vista, Arizona (USA) < fortean1@mindspring.com >
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