RE: Land of let's only talk about whats wrong with the US

From: Spike (
Date: Wed Aug 20 2003 - 20:17:01 MDT

  • Next message: matus: "RE: Land of let's always switch the topic to communist atrocities"

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Nicq MacDonald

    Alright. Damien posted a message reporting on how many people are
    incarcerated in the US. This is a major concern for many people here
    and abroad. Why does America have a higher crime rate than the rest of
    the industrialized world?...-Nicq MacDonald

    Nicq, do you know for sure that this is the case? It
    could be that the U.S. is better at catching the
    scoundrels who commit crimes. (I mean real ones,
    not mere drug possessors.) That is the direction I
    hope to see technology take all societies all over
    the world: that they get better at catching the real
    criminals. spike

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