Re: Dear posthumans

From: Brendan Coffey (
Date: Wed Aug 20 2003 - 16:38:30 MDT

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    On Thu, Aug 21, 2003 at 12:13:18AM +0200, Anders Sandberg wrote:

    > > All good advice!
    > Formulated like that, it sounds a lot like "Dear teenagers". Maybe that
    > is the deep fear about posthumanity: that it is going to be a teenage
    > humanity rather than an adult humanity. Of course, the innocence of
    > childhood humanity is somewhat overrated.

    But, "posthumanity" is in an extremely infant stage, and yet it consists
    of the (mostly) adult minds of its constituents. Maybe taken as a
    movement, group or meme complex, it will, in fact, have the clarity
    and humility to carefully consider such perceptions, and take them as
    indicative of its own motivations and how they effect its PR face. :-)


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