Re: Is this safe/prudent ? (was Re: Perl AI Weblog)

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Wed Aug 13 2003 - 01:40:00 MDT

  • Next message: Samantha Atkins: "Re: Mike Lorrey Eliminated From Extropians List (was RE: META: List Changes)"

    On Monday 11 August 2003 20:46, Brett Paatsch wrote:

    > If I was a socially dysfunctional programming wiz with a burning
    > desire to make my own avenging bot to settle some scores
    > would not this sort of open source open sharing empower me
    > in dangerous ways.

    Why sure. Just as sure as it would help you if you were a brilliant software
    genius dedicated to using your skills to increase the effective intelligence
    and knowledge of humankind. Tools are tools. Their uses, good or bad are
    up to individuals and individual groups. There is no way to restrict
    tools/information/algorithms in such a way that only good uses can possibly
    come from them and only the good are empowered by them. That is a pipedream.

    > I don't know if "friendliness" can be built into an AI, but
    > I don't doubt some folks with knowledge will use IT savvy
    > for mischief.

    So, are you going to live in fear? I am sure some could have said this when
    your ancestors learned the secrets of fire and emerged from the caves.

    > Any thoughts on this sort of approach from a public
    > policy stance Eliezer? Anyone?

    Why on earth (or anywhere more sane especially) would such a think lead to
    "public policy"?

    - samantha

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