Re: Mike Lorrey Eliminated From Extropians List (was RE: META: List Changes)

From: Alejandro Dubrovsky (
Date: Tue Aug 12 2003 - 02:54:36 MDT

  • Next message: BillK: "Re: The history of the vacuum permittivity and permeability"

    On Tue, 2003-08-12 at 17:18, Eliezer S. Yudkowsky wrote:
    > John K Clark wrote:
    > > "Lee Corbin" <> Wrote:
    > >
    > >> The word is out that long time poster Mike Lorrey has run afoul the
    > >> list authorities for some unspecified reason. This is pretty hard to
    > >> believe. I don't know exactly what list rules he is alleged to have
    > >> broken, but in my opinion this really bodes ill for the future.
    > >
    > > I agree it's crazy! I'm a little behind in reading the list but I can't
    > > imagine what Mike did to deserve that.
    > If there's one thing the Extropians list has desperately needed for the
    > last seven years, it's a policy of shooting first and asking questions
    > later. I vote that the new regime keeps a heavy finger on the trigger,
    > shoots anyone who twitches, and keeps firing until the magazine is empty.
    > If they have to shoot through the innocent to reach the guilty then
    > that's fine too. If my own dead body ends up smoking on the heap of
    > innocent corpses it would not be too high a price to pay. You can't make
    > an omelet without cracking a few skulls.
    > Government on mailing lists does not and should not run on the same rules
    > of justice as government in physical reality.

    Yes, setting up killfiles is too dificult for the average extropian
    subscriber. Wouldn't want people to have to press the delete key too

    </sarcasm tagtargetmarket="same people who cannot setup their own


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