Re: FWD [forteana] Health Care: USA, Iraq & Canada

Date: Sat Aug 09 2003 - 14:44:04 MDT

  • Next message: "Re: FWD [forteana] Health Care: USA, Iraq & Canada"

    <<C'mon, if you think that any CEOs are going to the cellar
    to be shot, or marched up to guillotines, then you are
    too far from reality.  Even if you are right about overpaid
    top executives, then the worst that will happen is that
    they'll be replaced by cheaper and more effective CEOs from
    within the ranks, as the fad of outside celebrity wears off.>>

    No, I am sure that most of these selfish bastards will get off scott-free,
    no matter how crooked or coniving they have been, and how they, through their
    actions, have cheated the stockholders, and are drying up the middle class. My
    point is thats it is destructive to US survival.

    <<I urge everyone to carefully attend to Rafal's *economic* arguments.
    So far in perusing this thread, he appears to be the only one up
    on free-market economics, who understands thoroughly why protectionism
    always hurts everyone in the long run.>>

    Rafal seems devoted to the nth degree in favor of free market economics.
    Though, I wonder what Milton Freedman (sp?) looking at what is happening to
    Americans would concur with Rafal's zeal?


    <<Right here, even the US is not really hurt by sending jobs
    oversees where they can be done more cheaply and efficiently
    because the American consumer is then so much better off.>>

    There is an inevitable cause and effect here, and if not Newtonian, is mighty
    close. When goods and services by American companies, or foreign imports
    become depressed; because more and more Americans are out of work, this produces a
    deflationary economy, also known as a recession.

    If capital goes overseas, during a recession, so that few jobs are produced,
    the economy stays moribund. This hurts even people overseas, as demand they
    are dependent on, becomes so much less. I may purchase a Korean auto because it
    is cheaper; but if I am broke and have to buy a used car, for example, I will
    buy a clunker junker of any kind, to look for work. Far less people benfit
    from my purchase.

    <<Hey Mitch, they got caught, didn't they??  The American
    economy---unlike European ones---is doing just fine.  Look
    at the GNP and unemployment rate.  I think you and far too
    many other people want the make-believe of the late nineties
    back, where everybody was employed on projects that were
    eventually canceled and everyone thought that they were
    getting rich in the markets.  Real life is not like that.
    *This* is normal---and not so bad, so long as you are not
    having to make difficult life decisions about what to do
    next to help (i.e., you are unemployed yourself).>>

    1) I disagree the American economy is doing just fine. If the unemployment
    rate drops significantly, W will have nothing to worry about. If it remains at
    this level, or even grows, prepare for a political explosion or implosion.
    Europe sucks because of its own reasons, which have more to do with their own
    hypocrises and inconsistancies, not America's.

    2) If the middle class shrinks our economy will resemble Argentina's which
    was going great-guns from the 19th century to the Great Depression, but
    disintegrated along with it's middle class. This is not an accurate model, but the
    de-stablization is.


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