Nation as Jointly Owned Property( was Re: FWD [forteana] Health Care: USA, Iraq & Canada)

From: Randy S (
Date: Sat Aug 09 2003 - 13:15:15 MDT

  • Next message: Lee Corbin: "RE: Thinking the unthinkable: taboos and transhumanism" said:

    > Rafal:
    > <<### This is an old defense - "I really like my butler, he's black, but a
    > good man, nevertheless. But you couldn't let blacks work on their own,
    > listen to those scumbag abolitionists and set their own prices. They need
    > supervision, visas, regulations so they won't compete with me, so I can keep
    > my cushy job. Except for my butler, let them clean sewers".>>
    > This doesn't seem to be my defense. Mine is that the greediest (not
    > necessarilly the very richest) segment of the economy are sending jobs
    overseas. This
    > will shrink the US middle class, and destablize the American economy. There
    > those who, seemingly, are unconcerned or even jubilant about this
    > development. I am not.

    Well, this has certainly been a very interesting thread. I am sure that this
    job market has mutated the politics of many an American. So far it has not
    touched me: I am still employed, and I and my (immigrant Asian) wife are
    doing fine. However, many others are not doing so well.

    I hope that others are coming around to seeing our nation as a jointly owned
    property around an unwritten contract exists. The parties to this contract
    are the citizens of this nation. Non citizens are NOT parties to this
    particular contract. In part, the contract holds that the citizens must
    compete with each other for whatever benefits are to be had from
    citizenship. Non citizens may not compete for the benefits of citizenship,
    unless they "buy in" in a sufficient amount.

    If our hired men (our politicians) subvert this contract, or allow others to
    subvert it, thereby defrauding/robbing/embezzling the citizens, they should
    face stiff penalties.

    > Rafal:
    > <<More quotes from a protectionist:
    > "And those bosses, they are worthless scum, every single one of them. In
    > fact, you can't become a manager unless you are a stupid, incompetent
    > suck-up."
    > "And I didn't want to buy this imported car, really, but it was so cheap I
    > couldn't resist. Tell those loser GM bosses to get their act together, or
    > else I won't buy any of their cars. I have choice, you know."
    > "And tell them suck-up bosses who don't want to hire me, better think it
    > over, or else I'll come over with some buddies, and you won't have no choice
    > nomore."
    > "Yep.">>
    > Well, the Fortune 500 send their buddies, lobbyists to DC to get their way
    > with this economy. Now its back-firing and according to an article in the
    > Street Journal,
    > this will cost W the election.


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