Re: FWD [forteana] Health Care: USA, Iraq & Canada

Date: Sat Aug 09 2003 - 04:24:06 MDT

  • Next message: scerir: "Re: The Never-Ending Fractal Universe (Steady-State Reborn)"

    In a message dated 8/9/2003 4:18:07 AM Central Standard Time, writes: PS. I guess I shouldn't be so derisive and emotional. Sorry, I
    find xenophobia and tribalism too revolting. Better I'll just shut up

           Let me say that I think we are all missing the point. In anticipating
    the future we have a choice between two predictions as to what is happening
    and is going to happen:
    1. The Singularity.
    2. A new Renaissance as predicted by Mike McGee -- see his book
           Imho both of those will be driven by the empowerment by what THE BELL
    CURVE calls the GT (do I have the right term?) It appears that in the first
    Renaissance enough of the most intelligent segment of the society were
    empowered to drive the advancement that occurred. However not all GT were empowered
    at that time, many just kept on digging ditches as they had before. At this
    time according to THE BELL CURVE an additional group of GT are being empowered.
    It appears to me that this group is once again driving our advancement.
           If what I have just written is true then we will indeed have a new
    Renaissance as Mike McGee predicts is happening.
           As I see it the difference between a Renaissance and the Singularity
    depends on the power of the additional GT and/or the availability of AI.
           But I totally agree with McGee when he predicts that the time ahead
    will be full of turmoil. Heck, according to what I read we are already having
    board room wars in our organizations. The old money can no longer manage the
    complex organizations and business that result from our high tech economy. The
    new boys and girls that now have to run those organizations don't want to do
    it as hired hands that strictly follow orders as to goals -- they are fighting
    for a share of control. You can bet that later they will demand majority
           Rafal, let me come now to what I think is the point. You and the
    others on this list are basically the "New boys and girls" that are, as a group,
    driving the changes now going on whether those changes characterize a
    Renaissance or the approach of the Singularity. What kind of a world do you want it to
    be and what do you intend to do.
           Will you be willing to follow a great leader that hands down orders
    for the rest of us to follow? Will you agree to go on being regulated from
    Washington, Peking, etc.?
    Ron h.

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