Re: FWD [forteana] Health Care: USA, Iraq & Canada

Date: Sat Aug 09 2003 - 00:52:35 MDT

  • Next message: "Re: FWD [forteana] Health Care: USA, Iraq & Canada"

    <<### Of course, those Americans who refuse to work, under the pretext of
    being "unemployed", will not be able to purchase more than they manage to
    squeeze from taxpayers in "benefits".>>

    Yes, this is being driven by bloated fortune 500 chieftans and emphatically,
    not entrepenuers creating start up businesses. As Americans become unemployed
    or take burger flipper jobs, the tax base shrinks. Money for things like
    defense will also shrink, money for investment in new technology will indeed
    shrivel. This scenario may not happen if the political forces of the American middle
    class react to deprive the corporate goons, under whose guidence has led to
    such wonderous developments as Enron hiding loses in fake companies, and Xerox
    and Worldcom "overstating earnings" on a systematic basis.

    <<### The sooner the better. Useless drones should die.


    Consider that an America reduced to a third-world status, by moving nearly
    all industry and service off-shore, (despite rabid, empty promises of the
    creation of replacement jobs) is not something that most Americans, I believe, will
    tolerate. Darwinian natural selection is a choice with humans, not a destiny.

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