Re: Arnold will run!

From: Damien Broderick (
Date: Thu Aug 07 2003 - 19:56:02 MDT

  • Next message: Robin Hanson: "Re: making "Idea Futures" "morally right" by adding a e-jurisprudence module to it"

    At 04:24 AM 8/8/03 +1000, Brett wrote:

    >> >>> "No person except a natural born citizen,

    >absolutely has to be born in the USA. (And not by caesarean
    >like MacBeth ;-)

    That's a provocative reading of `natural born', but one that might be made
    to cut even more cruelly in the case of tomorrow's citizens gestated
    entirely in vitro, nor to mention children carried in-synthetic-utero by
    men (as in, by a stroke of luck, Arnie's own movie about the pregnant Dad).
    If read as `natural[ly] conceived', all those present-day in vitro kids
    would have their day spoiled big time, and clones can fergeddaboudit.

    Damien Broderick

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