Re: Fermi "Paradox"

From: John B (
Date: Thu Aug 07 2003 - 08:55:06 MDT

  • Next message: Randall Randall: "Re: Fermi "Paradox""

    [quote from: serafino on 2003-08-06 at 15:33:26]
    Quoth Serafino...

    > Now is it possible to build a distributed quantum computing network
    > based (just) on the quantum communication channel which is fast but
    > also so risky? And what if Alice and Bob are the very same person?

    Yes. Think of a train schedule, with known times for datapackets set up
    originally in physical proximity and secure EM communications available.

    One part of the data to be transmitted periodically is a timestamp, in case
    are time slip issues for whatever reason. Another would be new timetables to
    begin at a specified time.

    Of course, if any endpoint lost its time syncronization, it's out of the loop
    secure data can be used to bring it back into communication with at least one
    node still in sync - so perhaps you'll send triads of quantum nodes (or more)
    instead of singletons.

    Could you send a transmission that's all 1's at a given time (agreed to prior
    both ends, in case of loss of sync) and use that to resync?

    With a repeating key, I know something like that is possible, but I don't
    have a
    real intuitive grip on the quantum encryption nuances yet...

    There are potentially other methods, but this was the first which popped to


    This message was posted by John B to the Extropians 2003 board on ExI BBS.

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