Re: Fermi "Paradox"

From: scerir (
Date: Wed Aug 06 2003 - 01:30:24 MDT

  • Next message: Anders Sandberg: "Re: searching for alien life"

    [R. Lindauer]
    > Wouldn't it be possible to create a quantum computer based on
    > spin-coupling as a communication "backplane"?

    Can you elaborate this?
    Btw, it is possible that the use of satellites (stars?)
    to distribute, i.e., entangled photon pairs provides
    a solution for 'long' distance quantum communication.
    And it is also possible that using quantum computers
    (located in different regions of space) *plus* teleporting
    (quantum states from a remote region, as inputs to quantum
    computers located in different regions) you can reach a
    distributed 'probabilistic' quantum computing network.

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