Re: Vatican Endorses Frankenfood

From: Hubert Mania (
Date: Tue Aug 05 2003 - 05:22:42 MDT

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    Eliezer calmed down Giulio:

    > Giulio, I think that's far too grudging an approval. Maybe they're just
    > ordinary humans who want to do the nice thing and, by golly, got it right
    > regardless of our own stereotyped preconceptions? Can't we just
    > congratulate them on that?

    The Vatican knows very well that their founder has already performed
    the food manipulation trick 2000 years ago. Until now it was known as
    "the feeding of the 5000" and it was nothing more than a devout tale of
    Jesus' miracles. Maybe the trustees of his deeds are eager now to get into
    the details of repeating it in real time and real life. Wouldn't be the
    worst of news.

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