Re: Fermi "Paradox"

Date: Sun Aug 03 2003 - 02:08:13 MDT

  • Next message: Lee Corbin: "RE: Fermi "Paradox""

    Serafino mused:
    <<But what do they 'eat'?
    Energy, time, information?
    Which are, at least, connected (*).
    I'm not sure they could find 'here' these things.
    We can offer good dishes, plus Brahms,
    plus Camus, and Cezanne. Do they like
    these contextual informations?>>

    You know, Gregory Benford, and his fellow physicist, brother James; allegedy
    mused about the upper order of the universe being exploited by infoveres.


    <<Recently Hodorecki established the principle
    of conservation of quantum information. It
    means that no quantum information can be
    'cloned' (xoxed) but also that no quantum
    information can be 'deleted'.>>

    I googled and looked at a couple of papers regarding Hodorecki; and now
    wonder if data cannot be clonned, or deleted, how is such data storred in the
    universe? Embedded in spacetime itself, or gravity waves (gravitons), or the
    microwave background hiss, or photons or electrons reacting with everything???

    Sincerely, Mitch, upon a Sunday morning, somewhere in the early information
    epoch, at the beginning of the Anthropocene.

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