RE: [GKES] figuring out just what everyone is here is doing to bring on a better world

From: nanowave (
Date: Fri Aug 01 2003 - 00:49:42 MDT

  • Next message: randy: "Re: death to transparency"

    Reason writes:

    >Well, yes, but what *is* it that you are organizing/running/creating? e.g.
    >some people here manage transhumanist websites, others run advocacy groups,
    >others are scientists in appropriate fields with interesting projects, and
    >so forth.

    <snipped mine>

    >Ah, I was referring to the text list (under construction by Dan
    >Fabulich) of
    >definitive, identifiable, transhumanist-relevant larger projects
    >that people
    >on this mailing list are working on.

    Thanks for the pointer to Dan's list, I'll look into that. I have to say
    it's become increasingly clear that nobody has informed you that the only
    reason I was invited to this elegant affair is because I saved Rose.


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