RE: Being Extropic

From: Emlyn O'regan (
Date: Thu Jul 31 2003 - 18:02:12 MDT

  • Next message: Hal Finney: "Moderation Vacation"

    Of course not; we never have been. Total safety is illusory.

    So the question is "how safe are we"?

    How about a poll...

    Who on the list personally knows someone affected by terrorism. Personal
    acquaintances as maximum distance, no friends of friends please.

    More subjective: would you rate yourself now (hopefully based on some kind
    of quasi-empirical guestimate, at least) as more or less safe than you were
    10 years ago? 20 years ago? What are the major threats to your continued
    existence/lifestyle? How about 10 years into the future?

    Just for a bit of extropian perspective, remember that it is still the case
    that we all have a death sentence hanging over our heads, and will be until
    someone fixes it.


    > According to a NY Times report today, hundreds of millions
    > of dollars may have been raised for terrorist activities
    > (either in Palestine or the U.S.) [1].
    > To my best recollection the 911 bombing financing was in
    > the neighborhood of $100-200K.
    > So one has a potential financing ratio of ~1000:1 (i.e.
    > there are 1000 times as much funding out there as what
    > may have been spent on attacks thus far) -- i.e. about
    > 1000 potential 911s could be currently being financed.
    > Assuming a comparable loss of life in such attacks --
    > 3000 people * 1000 attacks = 3 million people, one has
    > to wonder *just* exactly where must we draw the line?
    > And terrorists seem to be showing little discrimination
    > as to precisely *where* they may act. So the question
    > becomes for anyone "are you safe anywhere?".
    > Robert
    > 1. Links of Saudis to Charities Come Under Senate Review.
    > NY Times, 31 Jul 2003;

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