immortal words

From: Spike (
Date: Wed Jul 30 2003 - 00:16:54 MDT

  • Next message: Damien Broderick: "RE: thinking about the unthinkable"

    Our local congressman was criticized for hurling
    anti-gay epithets recently. I could not recall his
    name, so I googled on the words he used, and 14 of
    the 16 sites that came back were about the legislator
    who used the insults. I suppose he would rather his
    name be forever synonomous with some key piece of
    legislation or political debate, but if in the future
    you cannot recall the name Pete Stark, then simply google:
    congressman fruitcake cocksucker.

    If we were to characterize ourselves by a few keywords,
    so that if one were to google us by those words it would
    bring up the most citations or the highest percentage
    of unique citations, what words would they be?

    If we were to limit it to the extropians archives, I
    suppose mine would be: motorcycle ant rocket mersenne.
    Robert B: MBrain aeiveos Tako ventures. Dr. Hanson:
    Ideas Futures IFX economist.

    Who else?


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