Re: ExI principles: people left behind?

From: Samantha Atkins (
Date: Sun Jul 20 2003 - 02:30:28 MDT

  • Next message: Samantha Atkins: "Re: flame wars"

    On Friday 18 July 2003 22:30, Lee Corbin wrote:

    > You are quite right, of course. I do not know if your suggestions
    > about Afghanistan and North Korea would be entropic or not, and
    > neither does anyone else. Of course, we are all entitled to our
    > opinions, and mine---for what it is worth---is that extreme acts
    > must be approached with the greatest caution. Our intuitions and
    > traditions *usually* suggest such great caution.

    My God, is this list actually populated by heartless brains who cannot judge
    even the killing of millions of people just because we might feel threatened
    and don't know how to reach a workable arrangement with them? This is not a
    matter of mere "opinion"! I frankly despair of creating an extropic future
    with those who are so lost as to believe it is.

    > I am not following you here at all. For me, there are no
    > rationally arrived at "moral frameworks"---basically, one
    > consults his or her own intuitions on the matter, and
    > attempts to make them as rationally consistent as possible.
    > It also helps one's intuition to consult the voices of
    > others, including those long dead but whose wisdom is
    > widely respected.

    This shows a limit to rationality or at least to what most consider to be

    - samantha

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