Date: Wed Jul 16 2003 - 23:11:54 MDT
Robert Bradbury quoted:
<<Impressions From a Visit to North Korea
I found the article educational and a bit different from the
spin we commonly get on the DPRK in the U.S.>>
I found the article un-nerving, and it added to my fears about North Korea.
<<Some that come to my mind are:
a) How do extropians/transhumanists deal with very strong cultures
with very non-western priorities? (Be they through cultural history
or brain-washing?) [This relates to the question of how does one
interface with a culture that "sets priorities differently". Is
one going to "brain-wash" citizens of the DPRK that western perspectives
are more correct than those they have grown up with their entire lives?] >>
The best way to lead is by example. The best product to sell is success.
<<b) How does one deal with the entropic issue that the diplomatic
route may ultimately be extremely wasteful? Though I'm sure Nick
will not appreciate my citing his paper in this context, his
"Astronomical Waste: The Opportunity Cost of Delayed Technological
Development" paper.>>
Diplomacy, sans power, has lost currency in the modern world. Or, as noted by
Talleyrand; the most astute diplomacy is utilized by weakend political
states; as a poor substitute for power.
Regarding your Afghanistan-Bin Laden observation of two years ago; my sense
is that merely using nuclear weapons was counter-productive as well as ineffe
ctive. What we need is a viable energy policy, to buttress a disassociation from
petroleum reliance, on middle eastern oil states, chiefly Saudi. This is
where, leading by example would have helped us, more then 100 hydrogen bombs.
Undermine the financing of the core culture of Wahabbism, will have great benefits
to world peace.
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