Re: MEDIA: Jerry Falwell lambasts Alcor, furreigner drugs

From: Randy S (
Date: Tue Jul 08 2003 - 08:01:56 MDT

  • Next message: Brendan Coffey: "Re: transparency via google"

    I wonder if Falwell was paid by the pharmaceutical cartel to print this.

    Anyway, it mistakenly, but cleverly, connects the LEF with Alcor in order to
    drag in cryonics and Ted Williams, all in the interests of demonizing cheap
    overseas drugs which would lower drug prices here in the USA. A clever but
    transparent ploy to tar cheap drugs with taboo cryonics. Transparent to me,
    but to the soccer mom and dad masses with their kids and car payments and
    mortgages and their vacations....they will probably never notice....

    Excerpts from the article:

    Choose life, not drug importation

    By Jerry Falwell

    The battle to safeguard human life has been raging for decades, creating
    strong alliances built on shared values and common passions. Yet, for those
    in the pro-life movement, it is essential not to lose sight of the big
    picture when innocent lives are being threatened. When I see even strong
    pro-life voices in Congress grappling with an issue that threatens life, I
    want their supporters to know it.

    Importation of foreign drugs into the tightly protected U.S. market is one
    of those issues. The idea is that, since medicines can be cheaper outside
    the country, we should bring them back into the country at that lower price.
    Sounds simple, but unfortunately, drug importation is about much more than
    getting cheap prescriptions. It's also partially about easing access in our
    country to abortion drugs like RU-486, euthanasia drugs and "life extension"
    drugs of questionable merit and potentially harmful effect.

    Would drug importation make non-FDA approved drugs legal, or put
    prescription drugs in the hands of those without prescriptions? No.
    Would it make it easier for those who crave deadly drugs to get them?

    The issue centers on a piece of legislation known as the Pharmaceutical
    Market Access Act. According to news accounts, the bill is scheduled to come
    to a vote within the next two weeks. It would serve to essentially open the
    floodgates to drugs from outside the country, allowing drugs with unknown
    origins, production methods, packaging guidelines and transportation
    standards into the American prescription drug supply.

    Some of them will be real pills, on which another country's socialized
    health care has imposed a lower price. But some will be counterfeit, some
    copied and some even poisoned. Once these drugs hit the American drug
    supply, there is no controlling where they go and whom they impact. What's
    more, ratcheting open the walls that protect our market for medicines means
    that those who want to import bizarre and unethical medications will have
    that much more opportunity to do so.

    Consider those supporting drug importation off Capitol Hill, and that
    perverse motivation becomes clear.
    For instance, drug importation advocates regularly cite research from the
    Alcor Life Extension Foundation in their arguments. But the so-called Life
    Extension Foundation (LEF), ironically, is a rabidly anti-life organization.
    It has cited RU-486 as an "anti-aging" medication that once just missed its
    top 10 list of life-extending drugs. LEF has demonstrated its disregard for
    human life not only by advocating cloning but embryonic stem cell research
    to reverse the signs of aging. Those who support taking the lives of unborn
    children to support the selfish desire to live a longer and fuller life are
    not the allies we hope to see advocating public policy changes for America.

    That is only the beginning, however. LEF also conducts bizarre cryogenics
    experiments. They are reported to have the body of baseball slugger Ted
    Williams frozen for eventual reanimation. The president of the organization,
    Saul Kent, likewise froze his mother's severed head, prompting a three-year
    investigation into the possibility that she was euthanized. And they traffic
    in untold numbers of questionable "life-extending" medications that are the
    subject of numerous federal investigations - raising a significant question
    about their motivations for advocating drug importation.

    Supporters of drug importation are also relying upon a new book by Katharine
    Greider, "The Big Fix."


    The fact is that both the LEF and Ms. Greider have as priorities opening
    American drug markets as wide as possible. These are not the allies that
    pro-life members of Congress should be working with on issues of such great
    pith and moment. Their priority is not cheaper drugs for our seniors - the
    priority of the well-meaning members of Congress who support drug
    importation - but instead, to get easier access to abortion and to bizarre
    and untested therapies outside the country.

    Those concerned about innocent human life, as well as those concerned about
    the lives of anyone who takes medications in America, should call on
    pro-life members of Congress to stand by their commitment to life and to
    reject the misguided research of the Alcor Life Extension Foundation and
    Katharine Greider.


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