RE: CENSORSHIP: Matrix Reloaded banned in Egypt

From: Ramez Naam (
Date: Thu Jun 12 2003 - 18:35:19 MDT

  • Next message: Lee Corbin: "META: Working Towards a Pledge"

    From: Paul Grant []
    > They're banning it because Egyptians don't like the Israeli's
    > Given that they fought 3 wars with them, and the references
    > to Zion.

    That's my assumption as well.

    > Besides which, Egypts got far more serious problems than access
    > to the Matrix. [long list of problems]

    Indeed. And the US isn't really helping. We send about $3 Billion in
    direct aid each year, but fail to tie it to any basic reform of
    government, reduction in corruption, improvement of education,
    liberalization of the press, or any of the other measures necessary to
    fundamentally improve the country.

    Current US aid basically just prop up the current corrupt regime,
    delaying any real progress, and increasing the risk of an
    Iranian-style fundamentalist revolution each year.

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