RE: META: Dishonest debate

From: Harvey Newstrom (
Date: Thu Jun 12 2003 - 14:23:55 MDT

  • Next message: Anders Sandberg: "Re: CENSORSHIP: Matrix Reloaded banned in Egypt"

    Hal Finney wrote,
    > We are all harmed by misrepresentation. It hurts the quality of the
    > dialog here on this list.

    > I should make clear that this thread is far from the only one where these
    > kinds of tactics are being used. In fact, I see the quality of almost all
    > of our political discussions as being atrocious, full of name-calling and
    > rhetorical trickery. Complaining about all of them would be a full time
    > job, which I am not willing to take on.

    I have started pointing out a few of these as examples. My point is just to
    prove that it really is occurring. I likewise don't have enough time to
    take on all of these or act as our moderator. However, I am not sure what
    to do about it. Something needs to change. There is no reason why we can't
    accuse each other of crimes against humanity, treason and make other
    horrible claims in a calm, civilized manner without resorting to rhetorical

    I see this problem as a direct cause of my previous complaint that we aren't
    attracting more scientists and mainstream support. I don't think real
    science and the mainstream public have a stomach to put up with this sort of
    nonsense. If we want to deliver a message, we need to do it honestly and
    fairly without resorting to irrational tactics. I believe that only this
    will make our list acceptable to real scientists, rational thinkers and
    logical debaters.

    > On this list we claim to be willing to explore novel technologies. Yet we
    > engage in exactly the same styles of pointless rhetorical battling that
    > you can find in any other forum on the net. What is Extropian about how
    > we handle political disagreements? Nothing. We just yell at each other.

    Yes. We all need to grow up, transcend, and really act in an extropian
    But how?

    Harvey Newstrom, CISM, CISSP, IAM, IBMCP, GSEC
    Certified InfoSec Manager, Certified IS Security Pro, NSA-certified
    InfoSec Assessor, IBM-certified Security Consultant, SANS-cert GSEC
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